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Employment (2)

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Prague: Prague, CZ

Source: check_circle
Czech Academy of Sciences via ORCID Member Portal

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Prague: Prague, CZ

2017-01-01 to present (Department of Historical Archaeology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jan Hasil

Works (13)

Archaeology of the main waste dump of the Sauersack/Rolava POW camp in the Ore Mountains (NW Bohemia)

Archeologické rozhledy
2024-08-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan Hasil; Marek Dvořák; Petr Hasil; René Kyselý; Kryštof Seleši; Ondřej Štoncner
Source: check_circle

Management of urban archaeological heritage in Prague: benefits of collaboration

2024-03-21 | Other
Contributors: David Novák; Vít Rýpar; Jaroslav Podliska; Jan Hasil; Veronika Staňková
Source: check_circle

Management of urban archaeological heritage in Prague: benefits of collaboration

2024-03-21 | Other
Contributors: David Novák; Vít Rýpar; Jaroslav Podliska; Jan Hasil; Veronika Staňková
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Magnetic and geochemical record of soil impacted by 300 years of Early medieval settlement

2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Hana Grison; Martin Petr Janovský; Lenka Lisá; Jan Hasil; Ivo Štefan; Karel Hron; Michal Hejcman
Source: check_circle

Archeologie online

2023-09-08 | Other
Contributors: David Novák; Jan Hasil; Alberto Hernandez; Petr Kudela
Source: check_circle

Archeologie online

2023-09-08 | Other
Contributors: David Novák; Jan Hasil; Alberto Hernandez; Petr Kudela
Source: check_circle

Pavel Vařeka a kolektiv autorů: Svědectví archeologie o tzv. cikánském táboře v Letech.

Archeologické rozhledy
2023-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan Hasil
Source: check_circle

The Rediscovery of a Labour Camp on the Construction Site of the Stalin Monument in Prague

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
2022-12-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan Hasil; René Kyselý; Daniel Pilař
Source: check_circle

The materiality of forced labour: settlement waste of communities at WWII mining plant and PoW camp in Rolava (North-West Bohemia)

Journal of Conflict Archaeology
2020-05-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan Hasil; Petr Hasil; Petr Kočár; René Kyselý
Source: check_circle

Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic. Current state and future visions of virtual research tools in the Czech Republic

Internet Archaeology
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Martin Kuna; David Novák; Jan Hasil; Dana Křivánková
Source: check_circle

Fortifications as Cultural and Historical Phenomena: Baroque fortification of the left bank of the River Vltava, Prague in the documents of the fortification committee of the Czech Vicegerency | Hradba jako kulturněhistorickỳ problém: Barokní fortifikace pražského levobřeží v písemnostech fortifikacní komise českého místodržitelství

Archaeologia Historica
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Hasilová, P.; Hasil, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jan Hasil via Scopus - Elsevier

The Death of the Sauersack/Rolava Mine (Sokolov District). The decline of a mining plant through the prism of interdisciplinary research | Smrt dolu sauersack/rolava (Okres Sokolov). zánik důlního závodu v mezioborové perspektivě

Archaeologia Historica
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Hasil, P.; Novák, D.; Hasil, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jan Hasil via Scopus - Elsevier

The early medieval stronghold in Prague-Královice Results of the excavation of the outer fortification | Raně středověké hradiště v Praze-Královicích Výsledky výzkumu vnějšího opevnění

Archeologicke Rozhledy
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Štefan, I.; Hasil, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jan Hasil via Scopus - Elsevier